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re AOL

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jane mark 2 | 16:57 Sat 30th Sep 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
Sometimes when I am working on my computer, AOL served, a voice says "you have company" - but nothing further is said or happens, can anyone explain this please?


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It means that one of your "buddies" has signed on and is now online! Check your buddy list and you will see that one of your friends is now online, so you could send them an instant message to say hello if you wanted to etc. You can also switch that voice off!
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Hi, Thanks very much for your r eply Scarlett, I am pleased to know the answer!. I dont mind it now I know what it is. Jane.
You may also hear some very strange noises - creaking doors, cows mooing, manic laughing and so on.

Your 'buddies' can choose their own sounds, rather than Joanna Lumley telling you you have company.

You can do the same! Frighten you pals.
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Hi Ethel, All this is new to me but I am sure going to have some fun with it. Thanks. J.

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