If this is your last one Macljane does this mean that you have resolved the clues for nos 33 & 36 where there appears to be a setter error. If so please can you share with us?
Stray dog. I have gone with:
33. Don Tallon. He is a wicket keeper, put on = Don, high leg = Tall, and on (?). It fits the pattern but not the number of letters.
36. Etheridge. E the ridge. The setter may have Dame Edna’s surname wrong. I haven’t checked with the setter.
There seems to be a number of errors in the questions, which is unusual. Or it could be me. I hope this helps.
To Canary42.
How do you get Don Bradman for this answer. I know he was a cricketer but where does the "high leg garment" fit in.
I'm still struggling with this one
Macljane. Thanks, those answers are what I also have, based on the assumption that there are errors in the clues.
Fibonacci. Yes. This is the official response.
“ The question setters ‘regret they cannot enter into correspondence about clues, answers or tie-breakers’. If there are any errors in the quiz, these will be explained in the report which the judges will issue after the entries have all been marked and results known in May or June..” Which is pretty frustrating.