Cloverjo is right in their summary. In the video you see the lucky couple in a lottery shop buying 100s of tickets to cover all combinations. But they have to spend $1000s to win millions!!!
The old guy ( brains behind it all) obviously has a head for figures.
They were investigated by plod, nothing was found to be dodgy.
Theres s film now made about their life.
I think I remember another syndicate trying the same thing. Unfortunately, the numbers were commonly chosen ones and the jackpot was was won by 6 or so tickets, so the syndicate didn’t make back its outlay.
I suppose if you're good with numbers, got a few bob disposable income and time on yr hands it wud be worth it. Not sure this wud be allowed in the uk though, buying 100s of tickets!
From the internet: //A lottery ticket wins as long as all six numbers have been drawn, no matter what order they are drawn in. For any set of six numbers, there are 720 different orders in which they could be drawn. Therefore this figure of 32 billion should be divided by 720. This gives a total of 45,057,474 possible lottery combinations.//
The chances of matching all 6 numbers is 1 in 45,057.474. I suppose if you took out all the 'popular' sets of 6 (i.e. 123456 - there are reported to be around 10,000 people who do this?), you could whittle those odds down a tad. But it would still cost you a fortune and, imho, if you have enough to attempt this, you don't need to win the lottery.
I'd be happy if my Hotpicks numbers came out again - last time was about 3 years back:-(
We gave up doing the national lottery a good few years ago and now do one between family and friends, each picking 6 numbers and the first to get them all wins the kitty. We pay a £1 a week each and usually someone wins between £100 and £200 pounds every so often. So everyone seems to win now and then. We have all won more than we ever did on the proper one.