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The Catch

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MissTerious2 | 10:29 Fri 27th Jan 2023 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
We watched the first episode of The Catch a few nights ago and it was very intriguing. Ch.5. Looking forward to the next episode but might wait and binge watch.


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Yes I will wait and binge watch too. As I'm doing with Happy Valley.
As I said on another thread ( What are You Reading ) I have not long finished the book of The Catch by TM Logan. I really enjoyed it. Very exciting so Im looking forward to TV series.
Definitely going to watch this. Anything with Jason Watkins is in, is worth a watch.
I'm recording it all to binge watch also. Anything with Jason Watkins in has to be good. Great actor.
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He's brilliant. I far prefer a binge watch.
MissT do you remember him playing Christopher Jeffries, the man wrongly accused of murdering a young girl who lived in his flats? He was so good in that, I haven't the words. I'd watch that again if ever it was repeated.
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Yes, I did see that an it was brilliant.
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We have some really fine actors in this country.
We try not to binge watch the really good stuff like this, just because the next episode is something to look forward to amongst all the rubbish on tv.
Wasn’t sure how good it would be but haven’t been disappointed so far.
Watched first episode last night. Didn't disappoint.
Finished watching The Catch last night. A bit of an anti-climax. We thought last episode was rushed, a bit corny. Disappointing.
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I tend to agree Patsy. What I will say without it breing a spoiler is I think the actor who played the villain had the most frightening face ever. Those eyes!!
Oh, I agree, MissT! :-)

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