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It’s The Little Things…..

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Smowball | 17:14 Thu 16th Feb 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I was on my driveway earlier when my neighbour came out at the same time - we got chatting and she said she had the hospital in a few hours time as she had found a lump.(need I say more ). At the same time we got talking about the girl who lives next to her, so next door but one to me, who has suddenly developed alopecia - literally half her hair has fallen out. So I went to the local supermarket and bought them both a bouquet of flowers. Didn’t cost too much, but when I knocked on their doors both burst into tears. Made my day that I had cheered them up for even just a few minutes.


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Glad that you are now well enough to get to the supermarket
Well done, Smow.
Ah Smow, what a lovely thing to do, so kind of you. xx
Well done Smow
To lift someone’s spirits altruistically is indeed a beautiful achievement. Kudos.
You have a good heart, smow. Kindness goes a long way. I hope you can feel better yourself soon :-)
As David said earlier, Well done!
What a kind gesture, I'm sure you made their days a bit happier. I do hope the lump proved to be something benign .

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It’s The Little Things…..

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