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Rte 9

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scooke | 11:45 Mon 20th Feb 2023 | Crosswords
14 Answers
2d how close can one be.. picking more from your pocket?(6)?e????
3d opera comes at a cost somehow(5)?o???
4d upwardly unsound and down to confound(4)?t??
1d alarmist to the end(4-6)?o??-monger


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3 Tosca
4 Stun (Nuts reversed)
1d Fear-monger ?
2 Nearby ??
An be and Y(ou)R anagram?
2d AN comes from close of cAN, +BE+ YR from YouR (assume pocket means outer letters of your)
That makes sense Bob ^^^
Was refering to doom monger. Nearby and Nearly fit the first part of the clue. But can't make any sense of the parse. The good old RTE ;-)
How about dearer ? Just did a recheck
Sounds good, snaro - double definition
= closer and more expensive
Tanxs scorpiojo
2down nearer

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Rte 9

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