I went to my cousins house a few days ago, her mum has never been a strong cook when I've been around, and we've often ended up just having such as waffles and sweetcorn, or in one case even yorkshire puddings with sugar, for a proper meal. We never had snacks, and the other day when I went down, it ende up that we had 4 take-aways in a row, pizza for tea, greasy fry up for breakfast, Macdonalds for lunch, and another pizza for tea again. I can't stand to look at them now... But really I'm worried about my cousin, she never eats breakfast, or lunch at school, and then goes home at the end of the day and has takeaways, but then she's always ill, both me and my mum are worried about her because she's not getting what she needs so she's ill all the time.
I dont mean to be rude honey but either your cousins mum IS SO BUSY she has no time to cook or she is just damn lazy. I think you or your mum should have have a serious word with her. I have a six year old, when she was 3 month i gave her fresh grape juice squeezed from grapes. Ive always encouraged veg with meat or fish potatoe and meat . Along with that she always eats 3 different types of friut everyday. Since she was able to aet solids ive always given friut and veg instead of junk, Mcdonalds is a treat for her and she's a very healthy girl. Belive it or not she writes up her own shopping list and when we go to Asda she will always go to the fruit aisle first.!
Is there anyway that you could perhaps invite your cousin to your house for tea two or three times a week. That way your mum could ensure that she gets at least two or three balanced meals a week.
Hopefully, if she is getting regular home cooked meals, she herself might start to nagg your Auntie, in hope that she may get the message that way.