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Why Do I Feel So Stuck...

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MSkinner | 03:24 Mon 13th Mar 2023 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I feel like a rock stuck by a river, watching everyone else flow by. I feel like my friends and I have a somewhat toxic relationship. Example: They slapped me as a birthday present. I have been waiting months for new students at my school, so I can have a best friend that will love and support me. I am doing the same thing everyday. Example: Wake up, go to school hopping there will be someone new, feel hopeless, do sports, come home, and isolate myself till the next day. What is happening. Please help me.


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You sound like a normal youth getting through their hormone change period of life. Stay with it, you get back to your normal outlook eventually.
Maybe you need to take a boulder approach to things.
Sounds like great preparation for adult life
Get up, go to work ( often with people you may not like very much) go home watch tv or go online go to bed and repeat.

Life isn't all happy friendships, fun, and excitement. Button what You posted You do need to reconsider your. friendship choices I don't believe you have got to know everyone in your own orbit, so widen your attempts at making friends and stop expecting them to love you. Just like king you is enough, and who is to say the next new person to arrive won't be just as bad as the rest.
Button!!! Based on
You are growing up and going through adolescence. If you do not feel attuned to the sort of friends who would slap you as a birthday present - start looking for new ones.(The 'slappers' could have meant it good-naturedly - or not. Only you know.)
You can't force a happy, friendly crowd to surround you.
Find satisfaction in what you are actually doing rather than resenting it. Do your homework, enjoy your schoolwork. Do your best. In other words look outwards rather than at the negativity within. What are you good at? Whatever it is - work at it.
When you feel good about yourself - others will see you as worthy of friendship. If they don't (which I doubt) you will still be ahead of the game in having self-respect and achievements.

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