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brain ache

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Daave | 13:53 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
hiya guys! its me again..

i moved some of my stuff out yesterday, and when she got home from work she was upset that i was leaving

i went out and had some interesting drinks in the pub, and by the time i left i could hardly walk.. a great idea for anyone in this situation!

she was in the pub too! and she came over and asked me if id go back to the house instead of staying at my mates..

once we got home she sat me down and asked me if we could try and sort things out...

i just said it was the alcohol talking and she wasnt thinking straight, but this morning she insisted she was doing the right thing, and as far as i know, we are giving it another shot

BUT, as things have been so rocky, im getting prepared for it happening again..

i dont mind being walked over a little bit, but if anything like this happens again im going to be in a position to just up and leave.

hopefully no-one will tell me im doing the wrong thing!
i probably am, i should probably take the fresh start, but i cant walk out from someone i love this much..


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Awwwww thats great news!!!!!! Did she say what things were wrong in the first place??
oh dear !!!
give it one more go u sound fairly convinced thats wat u want to do anyway.
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by interesting drinks i mean:

double vodka
double malibu
two green "apple sour" shooters
a red WKD
a blue WKD
about 1/2 pint of lemonade
all mixed up in a two pint jar

tastes like haribo sweets!

You do whatever you feel is best Daave. I hope it all works out for you.
As long as your happy, but remember what you said, if it happens again you will up and leave. Stick to your guns and give it one more go only. Best of luck x
Do what's right for you and be careful of your heart.

And change your godamn drinks ya big girls blouse ;0P
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china doll, i dare ya to mix all that up and try and drink it!
Lol @ Daave... Sweetheart, you're talking to a girl who once made a cocktail with 20/20 and I believe thunderbird.... along with several other things... Walking?! I couldn't even move.... ahhh, I was such a classy girl when I was at college ;0)

I don't know the background of your story but I get the jist. You MUST go with your heart. I finished with someone 2 and a half years ago and I thought it was for the best but my heart told me different. I ignored my instinct and 2 and a half years down the line, my heart aches everytime I see him with his girlfriend. He didn't want us to finish but I went with my head and didn't let my heart or him have their say. Please listen to your heart. (as the song goes!)

Good luck.
oh daave, i hope you are not being messed about like i was once, and indeed have done to another. perhaps you should maintain some distance for a couple of weeks. give each other a bit of space and time to think. she may be overwhelmed with guilt, which doesnt mean that she made the wrong decision, just that she feels bad about it. god only knows - i feel guilty just saying this to you. and just remember... if things dont turn out how you want them to be right now, it doesnt mean that its not for the best in the long run. xxx
No Daave, I Don't think you are doing the wrong thing. However, she does need to explain to you how she can tell you she doesn't love you anymore, kick you out on the street as though you were just a piece of rubbish and then do a complete turnaround the very next day! Real love is not something you can just switch on and off whenever to suit your mood, as you clearly know yourself. It means commitment and being there for each other even when things are not so perfect. If you two are going to try again, then you need to make sure her feelings fro you as strong as yours for her, otherwise this will never work. It never does when one partner treats the other like an underdog qith no say or rights! She has to respect your feelings and your rights! That is so important! So mind how you go. You are wise to be ready if this goes wrong again. Hope things work out for you Daave. Big hug :o)
Hey :)

Why not get your own place so you're sorted whatever happens and it may give you some perspective and time to date and court each other again for a while.

It may make talking easier too, which is probably what you need to do more than anything, as you're not so dependant on each other and scared of saying certain things you may be more honest about with some distance.

Hope it all works out for you honey xxx

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