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Is Attendance Allowance

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Redhelen72 | 18:22 Sat 25th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Only paid to people being looked after by someone?


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I also think she might have had help to claim it, perhaps, after her op and from hospital social services. She may have exaggerated her problems and needs. To be honest, I worked until I retired and had had problems before retirement with pain and mobìlity. I didn't think about any disability allowance, but now know if I had claimed it before state retirement age it would have continued and I could still claim attendance in addition. It would have helped a lot. I wasn't brought up in a culture of claiming benefits!!
Also, hospitals won't discharge older people without questioning their circumstances when they go home, even after small ops.
How true TCL. I have some friends who very often mention their next door neighbours who claim and get benefits to which they are not entitled. But will they report them? Will they heck.
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Ahh MissT you and I know that for example after a rather nasty fall and being knocked out I was kept in hospital for 12 hours then discharged on the understanding that I was not Alone for 72 hours.
MIL was in hospital after a fall and was discharged with concussion at 3am to an empty house, allegedly!!
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I must admit I was first going to ring up and question it now am not so sure
I presume the 3 year reviews are for those that have claimed AA an d have end of life needs. I have had AA now for about 8 years with no reviews. But it's obvious that my health can't improve and can only worsen.

And yes I have to apply every 4 years for a blue badge using the same long winded process!
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No blue badge and can’t remember her having one
Red, the best thing you can do is take everything MIL says with a pinch of salt! One day she may regret her crying wolf behaviour! It's so difficult.
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I doubt she ever will but if she’s not careful she is going to lose more than a few friends

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