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Interim S N P Leader Announced

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douglas9401 | 15:44 Mon 27th Mar 2023 | News
38 Answers
Trouble in paradise ahead if the 4% win margin is any indicator.


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@18.22.What you been smoking Togo?
Welsh baccy - it's more 'realistic' than that weed a lot of SNPers smoke.
Ahh fanny if only I could. Can't even contemplate a nice fat Havana now. Quacks orders you understand. But ... if my next ct scan comes up proper I have promised myself a cheroot on the beach in Devon with a nice glass of Malbec. The only steam tugs I do now are strictly on prescription.
I was also going to ask because I genuinely wanted to understand, I don't know the system. Is he interim or is that Dougie's humour?
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I don't claim Nostradamian tendencies but, watch this space, could make Truss look good.
52-48. A stunning victory. The people have spoken and anyone who disagrees is a 5C commie moaner.
Did wee Burney not insist that a 4% margin was insufficient, calling it inconclusive, and insist on another referendum when the Brexit results were revealed? Thought so.
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Saw what you did at 18:22, Togo. :-)
I knew that you would Dougie. (^_*)
I’ll answer you Prudie. It’s dougie’s humour.
hi Dougie
this thread is not doing irony this morning

interim in the sense that if some people dont like it ( Brexit aside) then you go on voting until you get someone you like better....not really Einstein's rocket science ladies....
I really don't think he will last long
Next election will see tables turned SNP will return to the wastelands..
Who do you think the Scots will go for, Minty? They don't like Labour or Conservative which is why I think the SNP get in through the back door giving the false impression that they're popular.
Expect labour to make a come back
SNP bravehearters have kind of seen the light..rats leaving the sinking ship
Could be.
Open anarchy up here..not too soon either

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