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How Long Is It Since The Uk Last Used Prison Hulks?

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sandyRoe | 07:16 Wed 29th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
If they are reintroduced would they not present a serious health risk to the refugees housed on them?


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Who cares, its a ship.

Just hurry up and get using them.
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I don't think many refugees will ever see the inside of one of those luxury barges. The idea is to reduce the 6 million that goes to hotels every day to house them.
I believe the MOD has plenty of land. Tent cities on some of it would drastically reduce costs.
are these hulks green?
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When gastroenteritis ravages the people detained on them there'll be more than a few green faces on board.
I agree Sandy...I take whatever the DM says with a grain of salt.
//When gastroenteritis ravages the people detained on them...//

Why should such an ailment ravage the occupants any more on a ship than it would if the same people were housed in, say, a redundant RAF Station?
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Why do the passengers and crew on luxury cruise ships sometimes go down with tummy bugs?
Disused air bases would likely be a healthier option.
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But there are already Tory MPs voicing their disquiet. NIMBY still rules apparently.
//Why do the passengers and crew on luxury cruise ships sometimes go down with tummy bugs?//

For the same reason that they often do on RAF stations and other places where large numbers of people congregate - because they are using a central food source and if it gets one it gets many of them.

//NIMBY still rules apparently.//

NIABY more like - not in anybody's back yard. Why must it be acceptable for any area to deal with an influx of predominantly single young men with nothing to do? Almost anywhere these thousands of people are housed will be totally unsuitable.
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The majority of refugees at the moment are young men. They're fleeing seemingly endless wars in their homelands. A youth conscripted in Eritrea has no prospect of being released from military service. No wonder the smartest of them look to the freedoms of Europe.
Let them bring their families. Nothing so settles a young man as having his family, with its customs and traditions, around him.
//They're fleeing seemingly endless wars in their homelands.//

No they're not. They're fleeing northern France where they are perfectly safe and able to claim asylum.

//A youth conscripted in Eritrea has no prospect of being released from military service.//

Bad luck. The youth of such countries need to stay there and sort it out (rather like the youth of this country did in 1939) not simply up sticks because they don't like it.

//Let them bring their families.//

The current discussions, which involve proposals to accommodate migrants in various places other than hotels, are necessary precisely because this country has no accommodation for the thousands that are arriving here every month in small boats. Bearing that in mind, just how many are you suggesting the country "invites" here to further add to that problem and the problem of overwhelmed public services? Or don't you see it as a problem?

//Nothing so settles a young man as having his family, with its customs and traditions, around him.//

What, you mean replicate the cess pits that they have fled from?

Why not send them back to where they came from if they want their family around them.

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