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Married At First Sight Australia

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smurfchops | 15:58 Sat 25th Mar 2023 | Film, Media & TV
18 Answers
I am absolutely hooked. Anyone else??


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Sorry...noooooo! I don't like those sort of reality programs.

They are about as far removed from "reality" as it's possible to get!
No, but I understand I'm not the target audience by a considerable distance!
Who in their right mind would marry somebody at first sight ?
I've seen a trailer, that's enough for me!
No, I can't begin to understand why people would want to take part in this sort of show.
I can’t even watch the trailers without wanting to hide ….it’s the most cringe making rubbish ever made
At least they aren't entering a legally binding marriage, that's the only positive thing I can think of
I would rather wash the car….in the rain…wearing a thong.
Sorry, utter trash as far as I'm concerned. Agree with seekerz cringe making!
Me too Smurf! I know it’s drivel but it’s just so addictive.
That Harrison is an absolute armpit.
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Are they not getting married Barry?
They're fake marriages Hoppy. It's all really just another soap opera. I must admit I watched some of it, because it is a bit addictive, but not watching this series. I think Harry and Megans netflix filming is much the same - Nothing real about it!

I might marry James Norton at first sight Bazile!
They can't be legal marriages because in Australia the bride and groom have to give 'notice of intended marriage' at least one month before the ceremony.

They Us version of the show does have legal marriages.
I have just read that the marriages were legal in the first five series of the UK version but they now use the Australian version.
I only liked the first season. All the other ones are hard to get into.

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Married At First Sight Australia

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