I've only watched 2 films released this year, and both were 'feel-good' movies; A Man Called Otto with Tom Hanks (never seen him in a bad film); grumpy old so and so, recently bereaved and who cannot abide watching folk do things the wrong way. It's a comedy-drama.
As is 'Bank Of Dave' which i probably wouldn't have watched had it not been for the fact that it is based on one of Burnley's entrepreneurs - Dave Fishwick, who made his millions selling mini-buses, then decided he wanted to open a bank serving only the people of Burnley. As one would expect, there is a lot of poetic licence in the film - a London lawyer coming up here and falling in love with the place, a Turf Moor fund-raising concert by Def Leppard, etc, etc, etc - bit it doesn't detract from the film's feel-good factor.