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Sorry, Captain. I assumed, solipsistically, that, like me, everyone had the crossword in front of them.
18 down clue: "Hardy area of land with borders for eggplants and greens" [(W)-S---], which suggests (Hardy's) WESSEX, but I don't know how it parses.
18 across clue: "God appears in leaves in Tennessee, possibly" With [--L-I-M-], I thought (Tennessee)(W)(I)L(L)IAMS. "Will...s" for "leaves", but I've no idea why IAM could be "god appearing".
26 across clue: "Passage written on The End of the Affair" (title in italics). I have [(E)-E-T].
Any ideas on any of these?
PS I'm a week behind because the TLS arrives in France a week late.