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Swearing Is A Sign Of Intelligence......

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ToraToraTora | 10:39 Sat 22nd Apr 2023 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
...according to this article in this months Mensa Mag.....Thank &^%$ for that!


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Mensa has gone down in my estimation. A thousand curses on them.
There is swearing and there is SWEARING. I rarely SWEAR! ;0)
No it fracking isnt

IN lab work ( Porton Down again) it was said ( and verified by electonic shake-ometers) that one's hands were steadier when transfers were going an eentsy bit wrong.

satan bug and all that

[On 1 August 1962, Geoffrey Bacon, a scientist there, died from an accidental infection of the plague. In the same month an autoclave exploded, shattering two windows. Both incidents generated considerable media coverage at the time].
So .... do all you ABers with high IQ walk around the house naked in addition to swearing ... just wondering?
Oh,just fornicate off with yer fornicating nonsense.
Mensa has gone down in my estimation. A thousand curses on them.

A thousand monks are cursing its name as we speak ( Kai Lung unrolls his mat, Ernest Bramah 1932)
No I wear underpants, which I change frequently actually
I very rarely swear (Football aside) but when I do it makes more of an impact.

As for in the buff or not if I catch my little toe on something, it's a whole new language that can't be classified as swearing.
I feel there's a difference between swear words as such which can get tedious and the kind of inventive picturesque hilarious swearing that was in - for example- The Thick of It. Can't remember who wrote that

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Swearing Is A Sign Of Intelligence......

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