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whittywads | 20:41 Wed 04th Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Brandish the weapon (11)
Children learn through this (4)
For a small metric measure (9)
A speech made as to oneself (9)
A dramatic actor or actress (8)


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A speech - soliloquy
Soliloquy for the speech.
Dramatic actor= Thespian
Children learn through this = Mime ?
2. Could be play ? xx
Brandish the weapon= Shakespeare
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Pure genius Onterioice
For a small metric measure = microfilm ?
Note: I prefer earthakitten's answer of "Play" rather than "Mime" which I gave you.
.....metric measure - perameter ?
Question Author
Yes. I prefer 'Play' Ontarioice. Not sure I like 'microfilm'.
How about Monometre (as used in verse)?

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