My driver was stopped in a police exercise and I had to walk to the civl court where I was a litigant. The criminal court is very easy to find ( big big big) and I asked two er cons " Ay am not helping you today. can you tell me where the civil court was." and I was redirected.
Back home later with a tenant who HAD been a con ( not a terribly successful experiment, but one lives and learns) said, " yes they told me they met you" ( excuse me?) - "you know Coleen Rooney lost her mobile? well they came by it and thought they could claim a 'return fee'" -
er said I - what about handling or blackmail
'Both' he said ' they were down there to plead guilty'
( and what, when they were down there, they said, we met a crazy guy, that landlord of yours....)
tale of three cons