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Has Something Happened ……

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seekeerz | 10:46 Wed 17th May 2023 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
To our minty …. ??


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Tora she posted for several weeks after that
And where is Tonyav???
Has Prudie gone?

I miss Tony Av too and 90% of the other missing people.
Prudie is still about...but I think pixie left.
Miss T has made very good points.

Shame we have lost some stalwarts, even if I disagree with some of them. No sane person wants an echo chamber.
all we seem to do now is field BS from Gully and hymie.
Lottie, the on-going daily friction between two groups was six of one and half a dozen of the other. There were no innocent parties in that. People on both sides have since disappeared and frankly I think AB is far more pleasant without it. I’ve left your post where it is but the spare Ed doesn’t want the saga revisited so I would suggest this thread be confined to wondering where other missing ABers are.
I might disappear for a while and see what side of the fence I'm seen by the great and the good . :-)
'a while' ?
she was really upset by one person and has stepped back from AB. she's okay and been clobbering her garden what with this better weather that's come in. I heard from her yesterday.

Pixie is fine too....heard from her ten days ago, a similar issue about being got at.

I must add that I too have pulled back a lot from AB what with the bickering - also where's hoppy in these last few days for his awful morning Dad jokes!
Naomi, Well I'll say no more, but I disagree with you because it was aimed at only one person who I personally know suffered quite badly.
I’m not on anyone’s side, lottie. I just read what’s posted and speak as I find.
As I do Naomi. ;0). I didn't suggest you were on anyone's side. I'm sorry you took it that way.
No problem, lottie. Just wanted to make that clear to anyone reading along.
//she was really upset by one person//

That comment just causes further friction again! Name the person or don’t say anything!
The very lovely minty has had some health issues thanks to Covid. She is a real trooper and can handle any snide comments quite adequately.
She regularly helps her elderly neighbour’s altruistically, and does not suffer fools. minty and Naomi are two of the very best people that The AnswerBank has ever had. I say that as a member of over twenty years.
20 years david small!!! I bet you have seen some things!!
I doubt if I will last that long.
-- answer removed --
The question has been answered. As I said the spare Ed doesn’t want ancient history revisited so I’m closing this thread now.

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