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Is Literacy A Left Wing Problem?

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ToraToraTora | 10:29 Wed 17th May 2023 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
None of them know what a lie is. None of them seem to be able to read a statement and a suggestion on the side of a bus. What else do they struggle with?


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gulliver; "TTT reckons that.
33 +7+2 makes 40. " - oh dear more literacy , where did I say that? I said 7 where started, 2 complete, anyone can see that means 2 of the 7 are complete, well anyone with a reading age over 5.
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pasta: "TTT...there is no need for you to be condescending. " - well there is no need for you to have a go about something that hasn't happened. Normally an apology follows that sort of thing.
I was not having a go TTT. I've already said I'd thought the post was in news, and therefore warranted an explanatory link. Instead, you posted a link to point out another posters faults and to then connect that to their perceived lefty-ness.
// Laurie Rachet-Jacquet, an economic analyst at the Health Foundation, told the BBC: "They are not all 'hospitals' as most people would recognise them." She argued that if the government was building 40 new hospitals, the cost would be much higher.
"Around £3.7bn has been committed to the Hospital Building Programme. But according to NHS Providers, a mid-sized hospital costs around £500m. Forty completely new mid-sized hospitals would therefore require in the region of £20bn - not £3.7bn." //
// On 19 November, the Health Service Journal reported that the Infrastructure and Projects Authority's rating for the 40 hospitals project has since been downgraded to "red". This means it "appears to be unachievable and there are major issues with project definition, schedule, budget, quality and/or delivery of benefits, which at this stage do not appear to be manageable or resolvable". //

So should we stop building altogether then Gromit? Clearly you think , as they are not big hospitals, they are not much use?
The 2 new hospitals were both already in progress and due to open in 2017 and 2018, before the government made its hospitals pledge. Both were subsequently delayed due to the collapse of the building contractor Carillion.
And? I'm struggling to see your doom and gloom here.

In the real world, not the lefty luvvie one, these things happen.

Or perhaps you too would prefer us move more to communism, then we could shoot those that fail?
a lot of them have trouble with the simple declarative sentence "Brexit has failed" and go to great lengths to explain that it's untrue, taken out of context etc, even though it was spoken by their hero.

Or wait, was that left-wingers?
We should stop calling a new ward, a new hospital, they are clearly different things.
If 40 building projects have been identified, we should crack on and build them asap.
None of them know what a lie is. What else do they struggle with?

making sense of a post on AB probably, hur hur hur

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