When I was 16yrs I was riding my motorbike with girlfriend on the pillion with intent to go courting in Scratch Woods off the Barnet By-Pass. It was a hot balmy evening and the helmet law didn't exist. I was flat out and Lucy shouted a question .I turned my head side ways and whack. Straight in my ear.. The damn bug was panicking and crawling deeper into my ear canal. My ardour was dampened and I rode her back to her Mum's. Mum sat me down and poured olive oil in my lug. She said she could just see the beastie's bum and attacked it with her eyebrow tweezers. All she did was tear off legs and bits of wing which made beastie burrow deeper. Next day I got a doctors appointment and found a new young New Zealand locum in his surgery. 'What's the problem?' " I think I've got a moth in my ear doctor". He just fell about laughing for about a minute until he found his syringe and bowl and composure. After the syringe was done he let out a big gasp and said, 'Sorry for laughing. Have a look at this, it must of been painful' I reckon it must of been as big as the bob howler Barrie encountered minus a few legs and bits of wing. I have never seen a moth as big as that one since.