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Ethna | 15:56 Mon 29th May 2023 | Crosswords
6 Answers
1 Farewell ego body needs a workout G?o????
2 Make a veranda Chop , Chop . Thats about right ??r?h Porch?
3 Travel with a bird? I know what you mean 3,2 G?t?t
Ballad finished Basketball training so 3,2
5 Strangely enough this gives you a good view of the wildlife B?i?d Blind?
Thanks so much in advance for any help. I really, really appreciate it.


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Blind is right
Got it ....go tit
Lay something??
Lay in??
LAY IN is a basketball term for a one handed type of shot, although LAY UP is another type of shot

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