Number of letters not known ( 4-10)....jigsaw basically blind solving
Simian really losing head in area with many trees
Persian queen sans husband hosted by reportedly wise listener in the past
English abandoning great love for 19th century writer
1. A five-letter 'simian' (which often has a longer name), then a four-letter word for 'really' loses its first letter(head). It's where you';d find many trees, a more excotic word than wood or forest.
Thanks, Tedsgran. The other one is tricky to parse, give hints. There's a famous Persian queen, 'sans husband' means lose a letter,'reportedly wise' gives two letters(reportedly - sounds like') and 'listener' is the usal. The definition is the very end of the clue.
Can someone parse the second clue for me without giving too much away? I have the answer but don’t see where the first part of the same comes from.
PM briefly losing face and energy,finally put in the shade.