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Yes, There's More

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Rondy | 16:40 Fri 23rd Jun 2023 | Jokes
3 Answers
I had a beer last night and on the side of the can, it said, “Best drunk in June, 2023”.
I want to thank the beer company for this prestigious award.

I'm in the semi-finals of the 'World Sideways Glance Championships' competition next week.
I'm not looking forward to it.

Hats off to Sir Walter Harleywhistle, inventor of the pneumatic drill, who has died aged 94.
It was a truly groundbreaking innovation.

Once again I've entered the annual tightest hat competition in our town.
This year I'm just hoping…that I can pull it off.


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Good ones! :-))
I thought that number one was the best.
Love them Rondy

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