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Jumping Jacks

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OPm123 | 03:12 Sat 17th Jun 2023 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
If i do 200+ jumping jacks per day. in how many days will i loose my belly fat? for reference my weight is 83.4 kg and height is around 5.11 to 6.00 foot


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Probably the most random question I’ve seen on here in a long time!
It depends more on what you eat. change your diet gradually so as not to shock your body, eat less and better.
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Tey for 4 weeks and see if you notice a difference....but also some sit ups, lots of walking and healthy diet no pizza or beer or confectionry
I can not see how it would spot reduce fat anyway. Besides exercise is mainly for fitness, diet is your bet bet for weight loss.
Sit ups, plank, bridge, leg raise will all help strengthen your core muscles but to burn off calories and fat you will need to do cardio vascular exercises such as running, power walking, hiking, aerobics, swimming, jumping jacks, burpees, cycling.
A combination of strength training and cardio will all help lose fat IF you eat a healthy diet. You cannot outrun a bad diet.
We used to do jumping jacks in school a million years ago. Are they still a people actually do them as opposed to other more effective exercise?
Yes, jimping jacks are still done by many, sometimes in a series of other exercises in a HIIT workout
What are burpees,
For your weight 200 jumping jacks is approx 50 calories. There are 3500 calories in one pound of fat so to lose a pound of fat you need to do 14000 JJs. And also you cannot spot reduce so your body takes the fat from where it wants,often that can be from around internal organs so it doesn't show at all.
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Well jumping jacks are just a small part of a big picture. What is your diet like, tbh most of weight loss comes from a change in diet, exercise just helps to burn more calories

To keep it simple

Calorie intake < calories used = lose weight

Calorie intake > calories used = gain weight

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