Has risen to £ 8.6 billion a year, what cab be done to prevent this?
Why not MAKE people take a job on offer after all there are lots of vacancies so we’re told ,I was staggered to learn that people are using fake names to draw benefits ,
Sponging off the state has become a career for many. There should be a safety net where people have the basics but that's it. Instead we fund luxuries to the baby factories.
These days poverty means you don't have the latest Iphone or a 60 inch plasma. Benefits are spend on baccy, waccy baccy and booze. Then they go to the food bank and claim they can't afford food.
I recall a few years ago seeing a documentary where a Romanian guy was coming across here, sighting on and claiming for X amount of ‘fake kids’ then flying back to oversee the building of a large mansion courtesy of the UK tax payer, this was after Tony Blair brought in his open border policy
A personal beef of mine is over population, both globally as well as in this country. I would limit Child Benefit to a maximum of 3 children with rates of payment descending with each child. I would also return scheme for DHSS to pay rent direct to the landlord if families are struggling
It's amazing how thick people are when it comes to posting stuff of twitface! I personally have nothing to do with it but when it catches tea leaves like this I'm thankful.
I confess to being a grass - another Spanish expat renting out her council house, getting her free prescriptions posted by her daughter and flying back to the UK for extensive NHS treatment, claiming every UK benefit she could think of.
I'm always amazed what strangers tell me in a pub or lounging by the pool.