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Yet More Cowardly Attacks On Small Children

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retrocop | 13:51 Mon 10th Jul 2023 | News
19 Answers
This is becoming a Pandemic. It was France Last week. Now China.
I despair how this world is panning out.


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Cant read that link.
This works:

Looks like it was road rage. What is the world coming to one wonders.

At least in China he will be dealt with.
Big brave guy - picking on targets that can't fight back.

You'd have to be very angry (or evil) to stab so many people to death - especially little kiddies.
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re-reading the Metro link which I can access it appears there were at least three separate kindergarten stabbings fairly recently .
Saw it on the BBC site earlier. Makes one despair for the world, and the human race. But we've yet to truly unlock the mysteries of the mind, and why it does some of the things it does.
apparently in China it has a name; "social revenge"
...basically men, angry at being left behind economically and socially.
it's beyond my comprehension why anyone would harm a defenceless child, let alone many, all i see is innocent little faces looking up at you.
incels, then. Let's hope there aren't any here.
Lest we forget…
// The Dunblane massacre took place at Dunblane Primary School in Dunblane, near Stirling, Scotland, on 13 March 1996, when 44-year-old Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 pupils and one teacher, and injured 15 others, before killing himself. It remains the deadliest mass shooting in British history. //
Yes gromit, you have found a UK one.

But the point being made here is that it appears to be occurring more often now. And around the World.

How anyone can harm a child is beyond me.

//incels, then.//

No, dont use labels, there is no excuse for this and to fully understand why we must have an open mind as to the cause.
A spate may be closer to the mark than a pandemic.
Yep, Retro needs to look up the meaning of pandemic. Particularly the fact that the word can't be applied to one country.
yeah my vote on Dunblane
I thought at the time this was floated
( I cant have ( = teach, be scout master) the kids so the parents cant either)
ymb, the "incels" was a response to TTT's description of "men, angry at being left behind economically and socially"; but another post got in the way. That's pretty much what incels are (though it perhaps omits "sexually").
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Well it isn’t just one country is it? Forgotten France only a few weeks ago eh or the USA( too many times to itemise)
Retro needs to learn that a pandemic is more than 2 countries.
The description was not simply incels. The way the CCP treats citizens it has to result in mental deterioration for some. One wonders about other tyranies in the world. News isn't freely available everywhere.
//Retro needs to learn that a pandemic is more than 2 countries.//

China + US + France = 3.

ZM needs to learn to add up :-)

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