Not withstanding the 13 pecent of tricity imported and no idea of what the source was, 40 pecent of the UK's tricity came from carbon fuels and it ain't even cold yet...... electric cars are just pushing the emissions problem up the line and out of sight.
Then there's all the energy and pollutants that have been spent in building the current, no pun intended, hydrocarbon-fuel network and the cars - all to be discarded cum 2030 onwards....if....
If the 2030 restraints on new sales do not take place. THe EEC, lobbied by the Germans, has already backed off. sunak is being a tit in that he doesn't want to be seen doing 'a Beer Warmer' of a u-Turn but it's so myopic, the future being hydrocarbon fuels made from the air - and no pipedream as the first large project for this @ 150k litres growing rapidly towards 550mln litres a year has opened in Chile and @ $.75/litre which is in striking range of refinery diesel and gas which are $.64/litre net of taxes/duties/retail margins.... I've written about this topic before in take CO2 from the air, react it with green or white H2 and loads of tricity from hydro or wind and, bingo, make a methanol molecule and synthesise up to Mogas, aka petrol, or diesel/kerosine and, in doing so, the CO2 is locked into a sink from the moment that its sucked into the plant to the tailpipe of the car. This is the future with H2 as well - and the cost shoulf fall with scale-up and the learning curve.....