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barry1010 | 09:02 Thu 27th Jul 2023 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Can anyone tell me exactly what this means?


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Bob, //someone used it here to talk about censorship of views... I think they meant Couttsism //

That's a better word - but I would say it applies rather to censorship of non-woke views.
it is either a liar or somebody who stands up for what they believe in, apparently.

these words are called auto-antonyms. be calm

such entities are Military intelligence ( the military arent intelligent - see Ukraine).
fast - to go fast or to hold fast
sanction - to allow something or ban it

and you cd say answerbank ! haw haw haw
christ is there no sense of irony on this site?
How about Bazwillism......or even Vulcanism.
Think it means eejit, if it doesn't then it ought to.
I have to applaud him for supporting co-debankees

Not sure about cryptocurrency tho

Empathy is dead - you have to do it to someone for them to know what it feels like ( in this case debanking) - I was surprised for cabinet ministers and peers to comment - " aw yers, this happened to my grandchild, damned bad luck I said"
and then did nothing
abusive as they are - I wd not like to see Bazza or Vulkie gagged. They are entitled to their views and to express them in the way they wish
PP 10.39 "They are entitled to their views and to express them in the way they wish" ....And so am I ,PP. But those pair seem to think not.
"oh sozza sozza you were talking about Hymie"

him as well, but mainly the other troll, his co neuron time sharer

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