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Brother Is Home!

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pastafreak | 09:11 Fri 04th Aug 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Finally let out yesterday from what he described as the disorganised, smelly rehab with awful food.
I hope he can now recover in the sun and potter about in his garden.


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May he potter to his heart's content :-)
That is good news, I'm pleased for him, pasta. There really is nothing to beat our own bed and favourite chair.
Joyous news, pasta x. So pleased for you all, may he now make a good recovery.
Great news pasta. He’s best at home for recovery. I know you will be delighted . Best wishes to the brother ( of pasta ).
Phew! It's been a long and difficult journey for you all. Best wishes.
Excellent news Pasta x
Good to read this, pasta, I wish him all the best in his recovery :-)
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Yes, he's very happy. Unfortunately the gardening will have to wait as he's not strong enough...nor is there enough time what with physio, etc. He's 87!
Thanks for all the good wishes xx

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