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What Word Would Describe A Woman Who Acted Like A Womaniser/Philanderer?

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sandyRoe | 08:21 Sun 20th Aug 2023 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I was thinking how would the members of the women's team behave in the future if they win today. I hope they never take up some of the worse traits of their male counterparts.


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womaniser would be right in many cases.
I dont get your point though sandy. Are male footballers any more philanderers than say politicians or singers or any other group?
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Well, many successful male footballers are young, wealthy, with an adoring fan base. Bad behaviour on their part sets standards for some of their followers.
I'm not suggesting that sucçess will go to the heads of the ladies team and lead them into bad behaviour.
You answer your own question in the title.

Although I doubt every member of the English Women's football team is gay.
Strumpet? Jezebel? Harlot? Or maybe Philandress?
Nice to see there is still a demographic that you can tar with the same old brush.

Not a flattering one, there is no word in the English language that is positive for a woman that behaves in that way
slut I think - good anglo word - rhymes with glut

Latin meretrix - meretricious - now just means slutty
or fornix ( arch) for under neath the arches, is where they plied their night time trade in auncient Rome

oh god the mimsy only mods will be after me for this

Greek hetaira - I know of no english word -
( the english-only mod will be sccreaming by now)

The most famous account of a good night out - Alcibiades before going to sea to war, drinking and then mutliating the herms ( chopping their doo-dahs off) didnt involve being Greek, er women
( one mod making stabbing motions like in the shower scene of psycho)
oh and the length-mod ( your posts are too long, Peter, signed the length mod) adding:
just a few more inches....
( column inches I hasten to add)
yes there is! slut
Harriette Wilson was a fdamous tart who tried to blackmail the Duke of wellington
publish and be damned

any good - or opaquely incomprehensible?
Most successful male professional footballers are happily married or have steady girlfriends. There have been a couple out of hundreds who have been idiots, which is probably the same for any profession.
I find the basis of your question is amiss as you have made an assumption which is clearly very wrong.
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I don't follow sports so my knowledge of footballers and their behaviour is limited to those times when some are featured in reports from the criminal courts rather than on the back pages.
I accept I may be tarring all with the same brush.
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To answer my own question, would 'adventuress' do, or is it too old fashioned?
Gromit; //Most successful male professional footballers are happily married or have steady girlfriends. //

How on earth do you know that?
seductress, femme fatale.

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What Word Would Describe A Woman Who Acted Like A Womaniser/Philanderer?

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