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Such lovely news!

Lovely story - amazing how they survived the fires.
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Thanks for the posts.

I'm sure that all of the regulars here know just how much I love my darling cats. So that lovely story really makes my day!
Awe, I really hope Susan ( Wolfe) sees your post Chris .

It is good that the cats survived, but that is their speciality.

From what I saw it could be a feral/community colony. It is a pity that in this country cats are considered to be pets or strays. In other countries (Israel and Turkey are two that I know of) the cats are looked after, fed and taken to the vet but left to live a free life sponging off humans.

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^^^ From the woman's comments, Susan, I gained the impression that they were here own cats.

My friend Margaret, who lives in Italy, feeds a colony of stray/feral cats every day. It costs here at least €3000 per year, plus a great deal more on vets' bills for them. Some Italians understand what she's doing but she's also used to being sworn at by plenty of others.

I've just uploaded this video, taken by her husband, which shows her with just a few of the many cats that she feeds:
That fluffy ginger cat was determined to get his share of the food.

People used to eradicate colonies of feral cats, only for another group to move in. TNR is so much better, the cats stop breeding and they live long and healthy lives.

Alas, their nature (crapping in veg gardens, eradicating wildlife) means that many people despise them. These people do not plan on doing anything harmful to the cats - but I can understand their anger.

There are cruel and nasty people who will hurt any animal that is smaller than them, these people are cowards.

Some of the stray/feral cats i have seen abroad were beautiful - always loved to feed them when they appeared out of the woods or old buildings.

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