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jennyjoan | 11:00 Sun 17th Sep 2023 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

Changed duvet from 13.5 to 10.5 just there now and changed it - neighbour helped me to put duvet on.  My god 10.5 can be heavy enough - will know tonight when in bed.


But that's one bed cleaner doesn't have to do.



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Jj. Tasks like that is what a cleaner would do .

My cleaner doesn't change our sheets now. She did for a while after I moved in with Husband, but I didn't like the lack of privacy etc so told her to stop.


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She know next time

jenny, why not  put on a top sheet , it will give an extra layer between you and your duvet, meaning you won't need to wash the duvet cover as often

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Tried that before I ended up like a mummy

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