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Rubyrose | 16:15 Sat 07th Oct 2006 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
Why do men lie soooooo much?

Ok... Months ago me and my friend who I will call E, met this guy who I will call R. We started hanging about with R and his mates and would meet them in town on nights out and they would pop round for drinks and stuff! Then R got with E and appeared to like her but kept telling me behind her back that he liked me too! I left it and told him nothing could happen even though I did really like him.. but he carried on. Then one night he pulled me to one side in the club and we chatted for ages and he told me he really liked me and wanted to take me to London the next day and spend the day with me... I told him I didn't know what to do.. but then when I was alone with E.. I told her everything he had just told me and she said he had just said EXACTLY the same to her so we called him over and confronted him. We ended up having a huge row with him and he followed us about all night and was being a pr!ck! I threw a drink in his face (never done that before in my life!) He ended up having a fight with some of our male mates and the whole night was an eye opening disaster! That was the last we heard of him!


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I don't think R has any value bob... ;o)
hello rubes
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Hello Bob hunny... Hows life treating ya?
Mummy Jenna's turn...stay away honey, he's bad news and is only playing a game you're both letting him play at the moment.

Me and a friend met a guy one night, we both liked him and he seemed to be more interested in me and things seemed to be going really well.

He was texting me all the next day until my friend told me he had been texting her telling her it was her he wanted etc... etc...

At first we went all girlie solidarity...took a while until being upset at him subsided and I remembered she'd said that she'd txted him first at which you have to wonder but that's another story.

He was trying to ring and text us both for ages not realising we were often both there and knew exactly what he was doing and saying.

It's all a game for them, he's getting his kicks from treating you both like playthings, don't let him for you or your friend or your friendship's sake xxx

Done it myself 1000 times Ruby mate, eventualy one hit in 1000 will score (it's an Army thing) we saw all women as easy meat. Go and find a nice civvie lad to setlte down with, theres a good girl
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Jenna - I know you're right and we did the same the first time round... we got all angry at him and felt all united as best mates and weren't going to let him or any other guy do that again... but here we are just 3 months later! He is no good and I know this... I am not contacting him now... at all.. I haven't contacted him all day but I did wake up to a phone call from him this morning before I had spoken to my mate and he was telling me he still liked me! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr f*cking army boys!

John - If that didn't sound so patronising I'd say thanks!! Hehe
Why not both agree to put an end to it?

Maybe both text him separately to say that you're not interested and it's over and you don't want to hear from him again and all further texts or calls will be ignored.

Then keep to it, it may pique his interest challenge wise to get you to change your mind but it's still partof the game and he'll soon get bored if he isn't getting anywhere, mine did.

If it comes down to it look after yourself too, try to look after your mate but if she won't help herself then maybe it's a lesson she needs to learn her own way and you just need to be there to pick up the pieces if it comes to that.

I know it can be tempting to play the game but you need to realise that it's you girls who are being played.

Good luck honey and take care,

I think you have been a silly cow. You knew from day one that this guy was messing you around yet you continued to allow him to lead you on and fall for his cr@p. Get some confidence and get away from him, get some common sense while you are at it !!! Your responses to this fellow are a real indicator of how much you think you are worth. Do you really think you deserve someone like this ?
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Angel leaf - Silly cow perhaps but I do not in anyway think that I have a lack of confidence!! Infact I think I have too much... but to fall for someone crap doesn't have to mean I am the one in the wrong.... perhaps he is just so good at playing the game that me and my friend (who are usually pretty clued up) did end up falling for it! I don't think I deserve someone like this... far from it... but more importantly... I don't think that he deserves someone like me.... I am so out of his league I am playing a different sport!
But I thank you for your concern and support!

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