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rosiew | 06:25 Thu 05th Oct 2023 | Law
21 Answers

Morning AnsweBankers

We have a private road at the rear of our house which backs onto a school. For a few years now we have been tormented with trees that completely block our view. We feel like we are living in a forest. I contacted the school and the business manager came around with the boundary deeds and admited that they belong to the school. He explained that the school budget was very poor but we said that we would contribute to the cost. I received an email yesterday the cost was going to be £1850.00 and "a gesture of goodwill" they would pay £650. We would have to pay £1200. Surely this cannot be right. The trees do belong to the school. They are maybe 20 feet high. Im not wanting the trees to be taken down completely maybe just 10ft taken off the higth. Could anyone give me advice about this please



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Barry 'trees that completely block..... shush - yo may be stalking him!

you are paying for a service - that they dont want, you do.

oh and do NART pour paraquat into the roots, do NART pour.....

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