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What's The Difference, If Any, Between A Sim And A...

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sandyRoe | 18:03 Sat 07th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
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A Sim is the "card" chip that goes in a phone to connect the phone to the service provider. A Text is a written message sent on the phone

Do you mean a SIM card, sandy?

SMS short message/messaging service that sends Text messages

Question Author

Maybe it was SMS rather than SIM

An SMS message is just another term for an 'ordinary' (short) text.  

Longer messages get converted into MMS format, which are also used to send pictures and videos.

Question Author

OK.  Thanks everyone.

Just when you are on, Sandy..did you do the walk with your friends recently?

Question Author


I did, just arrived home last night.

A bit of background.  My Camino friend recently retired, at 60, and he saw an opportunity to walk the entire thing in one go. Unfortunately , during his training rambles he injured a tendon.  His partner wasn't as fit as she might have been, and I felt as though I'd never walk any distance again.

So we agreed to walk from Sarria to Santiago, a mere 112km rather than the long walk of 800km.

The guide books suggest around 20km each day but that would have been too much for us.  We'd book two nights in a town and walk about 7km until we reached a cafe/bar where we could phone a taxi to take us back to our starting point.  The next day another taxi to where we'd stopped and continue the walking, having booked accommodation in the next town.

It was a very slow Camino but I was proud of myself that I'd managed it.  My friends must have felt the same.

They must have been happy to see all the support they got from on-line friends.

That was wonderful - you must feel you have achieved something.  I wonder if your comments could be transferred to another thread in case interested Abers don't see them on this one?

Mobiles that convert short messages to multi media ones, are a major pain in the neck. You need data to send the latter, and it won't use WiFi, the former goes over the normal call control lines. So if you don't pay for a data service the mobile is deliberately screwing you up, presumably because the manufacturer thinks it's a huge joke.

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