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3 letter word inspired by "lets talk aphasia" which completes the following DE???ST/P???NT/ST???/SH???/F???/C???/D???
1 to 11 of 11
Can you explain how that works please Captain2 &Toorak?
many thanks
Are can be inserted instead of the question marks to make a word in each case
Thanks. I was completely on the wrong track. I thought we were looking for a slogan or phrase relating to aphasia.
I'm still not seeing any connection to aphasia?
'Are' was the only insert I could think of; have just been trying to find if ARE is an acronym for the Aphasia Society - but no luck yet.
The only thing I can think of is that some types of aphasia miss out verbs (such as are)
The irony is that in trying to find a possible related slogan I started with Dearest Parent (then ????? SHOULD FACE)
There was an Asphasia awareness month in June so I don't know if the, "are" in awareness is the connexion.
Do you know the answer?
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