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Avoiding Cycling Deaths

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AB Editor | 11:23 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
38 Answers

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  • Use a slice of "Road Tax" to build a completely separate nationwide cycle network - 35 votes
  • 47%
  • Ban all bikes and cycling - completely! - 21 votes
  • 28%
  • Ban all bike from cities - 10 votes
  • 13%
  • Ban HGV in cities during peak cycle communting times - 9 votes
  • 12%

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We have a cycle path that runs from the army camp to the main road in to town, 9 times out of 10 the cyclists use the road. Gets on my bloody nerves.
But a slice of road tax wouldn't pay for a cycle track from here to the pub.

If you want to spend money changing the road or cycle network, you need to get the money from a big revenue producer, like tobacco tax, or alcohol duty.

Smokers and drinkers, not motorists, pay for the road network.

Cyclists should have to take a test like everyone else, a lot of them seem to think they are only small and can squeeze into little spaces and pull out of junctions without stopping. Also at night they should all have decent lights back and front, not reflectors or lights on a head band.
They've built a Sustrans cycle track here, from the back of town to the seafront. It's ridiculous. There is now a hideous red track running along some of the pedestrian walkways alongside the river - and in the middle of the underpass under the A20 which is very busy with pedestrians (particularly in summer), and in one place, the cycle track runs AGAINST the traffic on a one-way piece of road. In addition, They've stuck pillars in the road on a very awkward corner, to stop cyclists exiting an alleyway coming out into cars (moral for that one, get off your bike and LOOK). It's draft, and God knows how much it cost.
E; Make all cyclists take a road test
Have a compulsory cycling test for cycling in London during the rush hour.
Fine the cyclist that are breaking the highway code, especially those that aren't using lights at night.

None of those options are appropriate or do-able.
Certainly not on Dartmoor, Ratter

anyway let us not spend money - road tax - that we do not have
and anyway again - did Darwin have something to say about unconverted cyclists ? I see it as a self-solving issue.
To add to what I posted, each Bike that's sold should be regestered to the DVLA, no matter what type they should havebe taxed and the money used to promote the safety of the Cyclist, they should be educated on the movements of HGV's, the turning of HGVs at junctions, the Height of the HGV in relation to the vision of the HGV driver in relation to the position of the Cyclist below the height & out of vision to the HGV Driver " THEY CAN NOT BE SEEN" As said, I am not ANTI CYCLIST as some may think, but I am against the blame getting put on the HGV Driver for something that some cyclist Idiot that PUTS HIM/HER SELF IN A [POSTION IN, I have been in a lot, & after the event made me turn to think what could have happened if I just did not think, all it takes is a bit of thought before the BOX IS ORDERED. " COFFIN"
For 237SJ:

One of those videos is me. I accept what you say about no lights etc, but there are many drivers who also need to learn to drive properly, and with due care and attention.
My OH was driving a coach in London last week and he said the antics cyclists get up to weaving in and out without looking, he is surprised there are no more deaths. They ride wearing dark clothes & headphones and no lights on their cycles nor cycle helmets. What do they expect. They should be made to have compulsory insurance.
Question Author
Boxtops, that's exactly how to not do a cycle-track. I hate them.

I'm surprised at the number of people who would go for the "burn the bikes!" version of events!

I'll unsticky this now :)
Burn my bike at your peril!!...☻
Ditto, gness.

Anyone trying to burn my bike will get a Speedplay cleat in the mush!
We were following a bike on our way to the supermarket yesterday. It's shocking how desperate cars are to try and pass....just to be joined again at the next set of lights.

Using tax money to make cycling safer.

This is about the most silly poll I've ever seen. Sustrans has already created a network of cycle paths. The problem lies in the assumption that the cyclist is happy to go wherever they are, not where you want to go, i.e. to the shops, or a particular destination.

No.2 Is imbecilic, nothing more to say.

No.3 Is the reverse of what is required, i.e. More bikes, not less.

No.4 Is simply unworkable.



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