Hi Crofter
1d like peas in a pod 5 -4, 3d Scottish chef 4-5
a - n - - s can be used in sweet pies or meat dishes
l i
i - c - fatty piece of beef
k k
e n
s a
o l i v e s at home in martini's or greek salad
r r
t i n you can bake you cake in it
Tom As a general rule, words that appear in the clue do not re-appear in the answer. Hence the clue "Like peas in a pod" uses the word LIKE. Therefore the answer should not contain the word aLIKE.
It also helps to know that the clues are not cryptic.
Thanks for the answers and help in future ones, as you might be able to tell I am a novice at the moment
hopefully get better
3 out of 5 must try harder !!!
Tom H.
It's all practice, Tom. If you become aware of the general rules, you'll soon improve.
Notice that there were 4 or 5 questions on AnswerBank in a very short space of time that had incorrect letters in their postings! In that respect, your posting was not unusual!