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Are You A Collector?

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barry1010 | 21:40 Wed 13th Dec 2023 | ChatterBank
44 Answers

I enjoy looking at art, antiques, jewellery in all forms but don't want to own it or live with it.

I love reading and am grateful to the authors for giving me years of entertainment and information.  I don't keep the books.

I don't feel compelled to complete a set of anything.

If you have a collection, tell me about it and why you enjoy collecting. When your collection is complete are you determined to keep it?



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I've kept some books which have meaning to me, maybe twenty or so, but pretty much all the paperbacks went.

I can't bear clutter.

Ken, I decided to try the electric guitar after my son decided that was his instrument. I thought 'I can do that, too. ' We now have two defunct guitars in the garage.  One with a broken string. And an amplifier. 


I used to buy proper books many moons ago. Always, hardbacks I loved looking at them on a shelf, in order of them being written and read. I still have them.

Of course I now download everything to my Kindle, it is brilliant for reading in bed, with no need for a light. The only trouble is now I have lots waiting to be read, but not the time to read them 😔


Like you Barry, I enjoy art, sculptures and beautiful things but I don't own them.

However I do collect or maybe hoard theatre and concert programmes. I love to know that I can look back to see who was in the shows I have seen and to relive the experience in a way. I did thin them out once keeping only the absolute favourites but the favourites but the collection is growing again. 

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