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How To Use My Tens Machine

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hellywelly4 | 12:17 Tue 19th Dec 2023 | Body & Soul
8 Answers

I'm having problems with getting going with my new Tens machine and would appreciate help. It's a Comfytemp one which had good reviews on Amazon but as I'm old (!!!) I can't work out how to use it. The instructions are not clear at all. I need step by step instruction so if anyone could help I would very grateful.



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Does it have a remote control? 

Where are you feeling pain?

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Yes there is a remote control but it's not clear how to use it. My pain is in my hip. It was awful last week and the physio said it was arthritis and gave my back a really good massage - I couldn't move the next day! I think it's more likely to be bursitis as initially she said it was a trapped nerve then said inflammation of the bursa. I will send it back I think as I just can't work it out.

Somebody lent me a TENS machine once when I was having some pain. Apart from being very uncomfortable to use, even painful, it was no help whatsoever in reducing the pain.

As with bhg, mine did no good at all and if I didn't have it correctly placed, it hurt more than the pain did.

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I've spoken to my daughter and decided to send it back. My hot pads are much more use.

helly, is it this model? User Recommendationref=sr_1_6?crid=3EN0TPOREFKK5&keywords=tens%2Bmachine&qid=1702995701&s=amazon-devices&sprefix=tens%2Bmachine%2Camazon-devices%2C275&sr=1-6&th=1
I wonder if you have fully charged the machine? There is a simple video on the left hand side of the link to show how it works. I have used these for nearly 40 years to good effect for chronic back pain.

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Thank you choux. Yes that's the one. I've arranged for it to be picked up tomorrow so will leave that arrangement in place. I could have done with the video yesterday!

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How To Use My Tens Machine

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