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Just In Case You Don't Know

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nicebloke1 | 10:31 Fri 22nd Dec 2023 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

There are reports that the roads are going to be busy today and all week end, but the reports have not given a reason why this is so.



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I think there's some religious thing going on. You know there's always trouble when religion kicks off.

Must be another train strike.

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To windy for the trains.

Severe congestion is predicted due to Christ on a bike.

"Blasphemy blasphemy, they've all got it blas for me"

(somehow that doesn't quite work😁)

My sister and bil travelled from Suffolk to the West Mids this morning, allowing plenty of time to avoid broken down sleighs and the such like and had the best run they've ever had.

It'll be something to do with a strike in France😏

it  MAY be something to do with Ukraine declaring Christmas to  be 25th Dec this year - instead of the usual  date of the Epiphany

ask Itch

I dont know anything anymore



Take Care..........
Be extra careful on the roads with Christmas just around the corner. 

A lot of men will be drinking and getting their wives to drive.

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