It sounds like you're getting a little confused! Let's try starting at the beginning:
Firstly, you can't directly include a photo in an AB post. (AB is strictly 'text only').
What you need to do is put your picture somewhere on the internet. (In effect, you're creating a mini website which just contains your picture). Then you include a link to the 'mini website' in your post. It might sound rather complicated but it's actually quite easy:
In a separate window to your AB post, go to
Click 'Browse'
Navigate to the folder, on your hard drive, which contains the picture
Double-click on the picture you require.
Click 'Upload'
Wait until you see a page with a thumbnail of your picture and three boxes above it.
Click in the bottom box (to highlight the text).
Right-click and select 'copy'.
Go to your AB post and put your cursor where you want the link to the picture to appear.
Right-click and select 'paste'.
I've just done exactly that to remind myself of the details. If I've got it right, this should take you to a picture of a very special little boy on his 1st birthday: