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Is The Car Ok?

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NoseyNose | 17:04 Tue 16th Jan 2024 | Motoring
13 Answers

My late partners car has been in the drive,for about two months,but not used for any journeys etc.Is it OK to just leave it standing there,will this affect the battery,or do I need to switch the engine on sometimes(which I have done for about five minutes at a time).

I(as you can tell) no nothing about driving,or cars.So some advice would be welcome.

Thank You guys,




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I wouldn't have thought 2 months would make much difference. In my younger days I recall sticking a car in the garage as I'd bought another, and years later gave it to a relative who needed a car. It started and ran fine first time.
18:16 Tue 16th Jan 2024

If you start it occasionally, you will need to run it for longer than 5 minutes, to restore the charge lost from the battery to start it each time.

Also, if it is going to be parked up for a long time, it is a good idea to chock the wheels and release the handbrake, to prevent it from seizing "on". After two months,it may already be stuck.

It does a car no good at all if it is left standing without moving. Running the engine is a good thing, but, really, the car should be out on the road, even if only for short runs. I think that you should either get rid of the car or ask a neighbour/relative to take the car out frequently.

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Thank You,

How do I "chock" the wheels?and would it be ok just to release the handbrake.It is on a long drive,nowhere near the road,which is about 900 feet from the house.

My friend,the unofficial "carer" will be here soon.I will ask him to follow your suggestion.

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My carer friend is going to be here soon,and I will suggest he takes me out for a run, to get the car moving.

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Thank You

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As soon as I can get a duplicate log book, the car is being gifted to a Charity.

I hope, NoseyNose, that I have been of some help, and I wish you well.

A car was left untouched in our parking area for about 18 months (tax/insurance/MoT had run out). The owner eventually had it removed on a transporter.

I checked on-line & 2 weeks later it was back on the road taxed & MoT'd.  

I wouldn't have thought 2 months would make much difference. In my younger days I recall sticking a car in the garage as I'd bought another, and years later gave it to a relative who needed a car. It started and ran fine first time.

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Yes indeed,many thanks!

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Just an update to this question:~

A friend in the village let her battery go completely flat.The RAC man said that all she had to do,was to run the engine for 40 minutes once a week,to keep the battery "topped up".

So that seems to be the right way,considering that it has the authority of the RAC.

Any comments?

Yes that should keep the battery "topped up". But if it's left for a more extended period other precautions should be taken.

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