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The Spectator 2639 - Fieldfare

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Matakari | 07:58 Sun 04th Feb 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

Good Sunday morning,
Finally a great work out from Fieldfare with a fine revision of Shakespeare
and also an introduction to some unknown lakes…My last one for 1d looks
like LAMONT for which I seek confirmation. Many thanks in advance as I now
complete the Eye Crossword before having a go at Mephisto, the Sunday Times
and possibly the EV if it’s Matakari friendly!



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No to Lamont, sorry!  I have a Scottish location.

PS I was a bit dispirited yesterday when you mentioned the Unclued entries 'all' being lakes... I thought you'd got the theme by then!

Matakari, I've just remembered something...

You mentioned the Sunday Times puzzle. In last week's, did you go with my answer - to the clue in the paper version, or the answer from others, those who had a different clue in the online puzzle?

Question Author

Your answer fitted my clue, NACW. I hope this week will not see a repeat.
I would appreciate an answer for Fieldfare's 1d to put this one to rest. 
I've completed the EYE with two left for confirmation later. Thanks!

Thanks, Matakari. 

I have Lomond for 1 D.

Possibly Lomond?

Question Author

Thanks, NACW and Scorpiojo! Concerning 17a of last week's Sunday Times puzzle, the administrator says:

"A production glitch caused different clues for 17A (with different answers) to be shown in print and online versions of 5096. Both answers will count as correct for the prize draw."

Thanks for the Sunday Times info, Matakari.  I had a very quick look at today's EV - it seems a little Matakari-UNfriendly! It involves missing and extra letters, something you describe as 'not your bag'.

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The Spectator 2639 - Fieldfare

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