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Return To Sender

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Alan365 | 19:59 Mon 12th Feb 2024 | ChatterBank
43 Answers

Hi not sure where to put this but if I write "return to sender" on a letter that was sent to me first class how long will it take to get back to the person who sent it? Ta.



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It could take a while to arrive back. If you receive anything else, pop it in a new envelope with a suitably strongly worded note to say eff off. Explain that anything else after this will go straight into the bin. Pay for a stamp and then you can shred any further mail.
22:39 Mon 12th Feb 2024

Someone puts a stamp on a letter and Royal Mail deliver it,job done,for whatever reason you decide you do not want the letter that is up to you,but to expect Royal Mail to take the letter back to whoever sent it is not reasonable ,their job was completed when they delivered the letter,why should they be obligated to take the letter back to whoever posted it?

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I do hope you haven't lost too much sleep over this fripfrip my dear old chap

Not a wink old stick.

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