Can anyone tell me which 19 century novel featured 27 illustrations by George Cruikshank? and What six words provide a connection between the Three Musketeers and Switzerland?
George Cuuikshank illustrated many 19th century books. Here is a selection:
Grimm's Popular stories 1824-6
Cowper's John Gilpin 1828
Defoe's Robinson Crusoe 1831
Dicken's Sketches by Box 1836
My bet would be the above but not 100% sure
hope this of help
Thank you addict for your answer. I thought the answer would be a Dickens novel - but have gone for Uncle Tom's Cabin - I googled again and found the mention of 27wood engravings.
Thanks too to you ikarus - I was putting and extra 'and' into the saying and therefore getting seven words, not six.