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johnny.5 | 06:41 Fri 15th Mar 2024 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Good Morning
One And All
And Isn't It
A Beautiful Morning ?


Friday is here 

St Patrick's day this Sunday

6 nations final weekend

anyone got anyone got any special plans for the weekend?

all have a great time 

it will be emotional

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !



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it is also World Contact Day today

Am I Right ?

I'm Not wrong !

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oh and....


Good morning johnny not a beautiful morning here. It has rained heavily during the night and still  on now. Supposed to be meeting up with my 4 sisters to go for lunch to day. Hope it goes ahead but might not.  And you could be right! 

Good morning,  well it's stopped raining ... And while I have nothing I really must do I  will  Try to do a bit more of my spring cleaning. Used to take me a weekend, now I have to do it in bits over a couple of weeks.   Most of the big jobs are done so it's things like net curtains and windows... There will be frequent stops for tea and jammie dodgers.

Good morning everyone.

Jammie Dodgers, now that's a blast from the past.  I haven't set down to eat a packet for quite a while.

When I next order on-line shopping I'll order a couple of packets.

The rain has stopped for a while but looking at the overcast sky  that won't be for long.

Actually.. Foxes jam and creams which are far nicer... A guilty pleasure 

good morning, awoke to very heavy rain so it will be another Jigsaw day. 

Also playing with new hobby stuff,  bought a needle felting starter kit,  it's great you can spend ages stabbing it hundreds of times... In my mind that felt has already been a number of people.

Good morning Johnny et al!

Dog walked, luckily the rain has stopped for a while here in Essex, and now the joys of a bit of housework before work :/

.... only another 12 years until I can retire... Happy days lol

Have a wonderful day everyone xx

Early retirement was great, and now I have reached pension age  it's better still.   That bus pass is very handy!

To be honest I don't think I'll ever be able to retire :(  I have little to no private pension and doubt the state pension will even exist in 12 years time.  I try to work to live and definatley don't live to work lol  I just feel like I'm falling to bits and struggle with pain but hey ho.. it could always be worse :)

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