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How Long Does It Take For Your Libido To Return To Normal After Quitting Antipsychotics?

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omarsolom | 19:35 Fri 15th Mar 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

Hi, i'm 39M from Egypt, I've been taking an antipsychotic called Dogmatil for about a year or so, and of course these kind of medicines kills the libido, anyway, i stopped it gradually and now i'm not using for about 2 weeks, my libido is back like before but i noticed something, when i ejacul*te, the sperm amount is okay but the ejacul*tion itself is not strong, i mean it doesn't have force when it comes our like before, do you think it's still the effect of the medicine i took and it'll return to normal after a while, any thoughts?



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I don't think we need to hear this

Smurfchops, not a very helpful answer. 

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Guys, if you don't have nothing to say, just move on with your lives.

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And then people are wondering why AB is dying.

I would just ask your doctor  - he will be best to advise you on how long the drugs effects stay in your system. Good luck.

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I had a reasonable answer asking for more info which seems to have been removed. Ah well, I'll not bother to follow it up.

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I Think it will return to normal after a short while

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First of all are you stopping the antipsychotics on medical advice or is it your own decision?.   Normally they are a lifetime requirement.  The libido issue is secondary to your  treatment of lack of it and a physician should be able to advise you.  

here it is

My thoughts are that you should ergister with a GP and then get a referral to a psychiatrist who can adviseon this. I do not think you should change your doses without medical supevisire

in general I would have thought antipsychotics need to be taken under supervision. I can't answer your question, but I wouldn't be changing a dosage without checking first with the person who prescribed them.

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