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Does It Do Anything For Community Cohesion To...

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sandyRoe | 11:57 Sat 30th Mar 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

...publish a league table of crimes committed by migrant communities?



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Is it supposed to? That doesn't seem to be the stated aim.

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I was thinking of unintended consequences.  Innocent people could be lumped together with undesirables.

The stated aims of directing crime-fighting etc. resources at specific nationalities would seem to be achievable without making the statistics public - but they could probably be accessed by a "Freedom of Information" request?

Why not. Lets have the true facts out in the open. That will give the community leaders something worthwhile to discuss with the community they lead instead of denials and obfuscation.

I recall Labour demanded Sir Paul Condom ,commissioner of Met Police to add to the Commissioner's annual report the race code (ethnicity) of suspects and actual offenders. When most of the street crime ( muggings,stabbings etc) was predominately IC3 ( Black) the Labour were apoplectic and called for his resignation. They don't like the true facts put before them. That was the first and last Commissioner's report that provided a breakdown of ethnicity. The London coppers on the street knew it was true but it didn't go down well with those who don't want to see.

We often see Black mothers wailing on the News about their beautiful innocent son/daughter and how their lives have been taken all to soon by stabbing or shooting and it must stop. The other side of the coin is you see black activist women like Abbot claim disproportinate use of stop and search for carrying knives and guns by black youths. 

Lets put it into perspective and show exactly why that should be the case. Enough excuses. 

I think hard-working tax-payers are entitled to know, sandyRoe.

Perhaps the immigrants should be made to wear special badges to make identification easy? Oh no, not necessary, skin colour would do. But not always...

If there happens to be a higher crime rate amongst, say, australians or Hong Kongers, it would mean that all members of those groups would be labelled as dodgy. It's a Tory wheeze to stir up discontent and frighten the public - frightened people tend to turn to 'strong' leaders for protection. E.g USA, Russia, and a growing number of countries around the world.

I think it's a good idea.

If black bears are 95% likely to kill you, then would you camp out in a woods full of black bears ....oh whoops not allowed to use the word black ...brown bears then ...oh hold on ...err polar bears ...but they are white ...errr non discriptive coloured bears 👍


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